Friday, March 23, 2012

Week 3 reflections

This week has shown me even more strategies to gather information and keep my eye on the future of my school. I look forward to the opportunity to use these strategies.

We were supposed to post our plan, but my didn't really change after a visit with my site supervisor. He felt that the plan itself was about as complete as it could be until we can sit down and begin to plan specific steps for implementation and evaluation. Although he did suggest that we add an opportunity for the technology/career class to offer students an alternative pathway or research on their secondary education! He also suggested using this project as the cornerstone for a Belief in Excellence committee that he plans on implementing this summer and into the coming school year. And dividing the work amongst members of the committee so that no one takes on too much of the plan, but we are also there as support and sounding boards for new ideas and what ifs as we look at the data involved in this plan.

I can't wait to see this take shape!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Action Research Project—Tandi Owen

I have reviewed the 8 steps from the Harris text and believe that my plan already addresses all of those elements. I will revise again next week after meeting with my site supervisor.

All activities to be organized, planned and implemented (with aid of others to include site supervisor, classroom teachers, students [junior high and high school], parents) by Administrative Intern Tandi Owen (t.o.)

  • Goals and objectives/outcomes of the research investigation
    • Students understand that success in the classroom—junior high in preparation for the rigors of high school and high school in preparation for college—will affect their goals and their ability to enter into post-secondary education (2 or 4-year college, technical college, military).
    • Student success increases (classroom work, grades and standardized tests) as they become more familiar with the requirements of high school and for entering any post-secondary educational institution
    • Parents understand the link between student success in the classroom and the progression of their student from high school to post-secondary education
  • Activities designed to achieve the objectives
    • College research—Person responsible for overall planning would be myself (Tandi Owen) as I develop the program and inform teachers what information their students are looking for during each research period, locate materials as needed by teachers, contact college campuses for recruitment materials. Classroom teachers and colleagues would be responsible for the in-class research and decorating of college door/bulletin board
      • During a chosen class period of the day (maybe one of the longer lunch time periods) students are asked to choose a college, university, technical college, military branch by democratic decision that they would like to research
      • Throughout the school year ( part of a period 1 day/week possibly or 1 entire class period/six weeks), students in this period research their chosen post-secondary school/program; i.e. where is it located, what are the requirements for admission (high school GPA, extracurriculars, test scores, etc.) what is the yearly tuition (how do I pay for it), what kinds of programs do they have (or are famous for), what kind of clubs and organizations does this school have, average length of studies, general education requirements, size of student body, mascot, traditions, etc.
      • Outside the classroom door students design and decorate with the information that they find about their chosen college for others to read about it.
      • During the middle and/or end of the year students can take a college walk-around tour of all of the schools researched by their peers. Take a survey/make notes about the schools they liked, what they found interesting, is there some place they think they would like to attend based on what they read
    • Have parents come a do a "college tour" with their students—"quick" research for good discussion at home regarding college and possible student interests
    • Classroom discussions—Tandi will be responsible for determining topics of discussion, leading questions, etc.
      • Discussions to be based on ho students believe success (not just grades but perseverance, dedication, hard work, willingness to be wrong and learn from mistakes, honesty and integrity etc.) in the junior high classroom will lead into success in the high school classroom which will finally lead to entering and being successful in college and beyond
      • Discussion about what each of these skills looks like, doesn't look like, how can we develop these skills in the classroom and in life
    • Panel discussion with current high school students (9-12th grade)—things they wish they had known as a student in junior high and during their early years in high school—how would these things have made them more successful? Are they planning on attending high school? Where? –organized and proctored by Tandi Owen, actual discussion between high school and junior high students.
    • Parent forum—discussion with parents about their concerns for their students? Thoughts on college, expectations for their child in school and for college? How many of their children will be first generation college students
  • Resources and research tools needed for data gathering
    • Survey of teachers before the start of school to organize their thoughts on student success and whether or not students understand the link between junior high/high school to entering a post-secondary educational institution
    • Teacher interviews
    • Pre-survey for students and parents to gain an understanding of their current level of knowledge regarding post-secondary education opportunities, expectations for themselves or for their student
    • Focus groups/interviews with students and parents to gain a more specific and detailed understanding
    • Monitor students success in the classroom—rates of retest, failure, scores on standardized test. Information should also be broken down by subpopulations (ethnicity, SPED/504, low socioeconomic, etc.)
    • Post-program survey and interviews of students and parents to evaluate any changes in their beliefs regarding success in the classroom (academic and personal) and the link to a post-secondary education
    • Post-program survey/interview of teachers regarding their belief in the success of the program
  • Draft timeline for completion or implementation of activities
    • Summer 2012—work with site supervisor to design, organize and plan this program, look at quantitative data regarding test scores, student mastery of content, failure rate
    • August 2012—teacher survey/interviews during professional development prior to school starting
    • August/September 2012—surveys for students and parents, request teacher input on students for the smaller focus group(s), invitation by mail for participation in the focus group by students and parents
    • October 2012—first focus group discussion and individual interviews
    • September 2012-March 2013—work in classrooms to research chosen post-secondary education, display built outside of classroom representing chosen program
    • January 2013—focus group with students and parents regarding outlook on program
    • March 2013 (parent teacher conference night)—college tour for parents to see all the hard work of their students this year
    • April 2013—College tour for students with some reflective writing assignment
    • May 2013—(post STAAR testing) post-program surveys of students and parents, post program focus group/interviews with parents and students
    • May 2013—Written thank you's for parents and students who participated in focus groups and/or interviews, school-wide thank you (unsure of delivery system)
    • Long-term—continue to monitor first class of 7th & 8th graders through this program all the way to graduation. Monitor failure/repeat rates (with the cooperation of high school administrative and counseling staff), success on end of course tests, on-time graduation, etc
  • Persons responsible for implementation of the action research plan
    • All planning and organization by Tandi Owen with the advice and help of site supervisors and other administrative mentors
    • Classroom work and discussions by classroom teachers (including self) and students
    • All contact with teachers, students and parents regarding program surveys, meetings, interviews by Tandi Owen
    • Monitoring of grades, STAAR success, personal growth in the classroom by self, administrators, counseling staff, classroom teachers

  • Process for monitoring the achievement of goals and objectives & Assessment instrument(s) to evaluate the effectiveness of the action research study
    • Quantitative measuring of student success in the classroom, including but not limited to student grades, STAAR benchmark exams, classroom progress (personal habits)
    • Surveys-pre and post, possibly in the middle of the program
    • Student reflective writings regarding their college specifically, but in general after the college tour
    • Focus group comments and opinions (teachers, students and parents)
    • Individual interviews with site supervisor, teachers, students and parents

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 2-LU Action Research

Action research 5301
Week 2
This week I've learned that it's all about the data....The new educational slogan should be "data, data, data." We must look at the data in order to best decipher where our students are strongest, where they are weakest. We must use the data to help us focus our instruction and let us know when we are on the right track for increasing student performance...both at a campus and a state level.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How educational leaders could use a BLOG???

Educational leaders should use blogs to disseminate information to their teachers, staff, other personnel regarding announcements and upcoming important information. Educational leaders could use a blog to support student-to-student interaction outside of the classroom or to involve parents in the classroom but providing them a forum for information and questions.

What I've learned about action research....

I’ve learned that action research is or should be a daily practice that uses my questions or curiosities about the goings on around me at my school (or home) to evaluate and analyze my practices to determine what strengths I bring to the professional table or classroom and where my weaknesses are, as well as helping me to identify such things in others. Action research or administrative inquiry should be built into a schedule that tends to be too hectic as it is important to the collaborative improvement of our schools by leading teachers down the road of asking their own questions and searching out their own answers rather than waiting for someone to do it for them. Action research should be a community effort to evaluate all circumstances and practices that affect our school and our non-campus community including our teachers, students, parents and administrators (campus and district). Action research must be reflective as we build our data base of information to evaluate ourselves and the practices we use. It should lead to greater buy-in from interested parties leading to better practices both in our classrooms and our school as a whole.

I look forward to using action research during my intership to explore whatever question it is that my site supervisor and I determine should be answered. I'm leaning towards using action research to evaluate formative assessment and differentiation in the classroom, but will work towards whatever collaborative goals my campus needs!! I can also use it in my classroom daily as I monitor my own practices and where they can/should be improved.

my first blog attempt

This blog is my first attempt as required by my action research project....I look forward to figuring this whole thing out and using in my classroom as well as once I take on a principal role! I'm still waiting on my textbooks to arrive so I've not actually made the post that I should have.